Apteodinium spinosum

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Apteodinium spinosum Jain and Millepied, 1975, p.139–140, pl.2, fig.27. Holotype: Jain and Millepied, 1975, pl.2, fig.27; Jan du Chêne et al., 1986a, pl.12, figs.8–10. Junior homonym: Apteodinium? spinosum (Alberti, 1961) Stover and Evitt,
1978. Nomenclatural junior synonym: Apteodinium senegalense Stover and Evitt, 1978, which has the same
holotype. Age: Aptian–Albian.


Original description: [Jain and Millepied 1975, p. 139-140]:

Shell ellipsoidal to globular, apical horn wel1 developed 1/4 of whole shell length, both periphragm and endophragm used in forming apical horn. Girdle distinct, circular, extending slightly laterally, ridges low; epi- and hypotract ¦ equal; hypotract obtusely rounded. Periphragm spinose, specialized along apical horn, spines at apex giving an appearance of brush; endophragm granular.
Archeopyle precingular (3").
Tabulation indication present.

Measurements Holotype Range
Shell length 91 µm 80 -120 µm
Shell width 65 µm 55 -105 µm
Apical horn length 24.7 µm 15 - 25 µm
Apical horn width 16 µm 12 - 20 µm
Shell wall thickness 4 µm 2.5-6.5 µm

Apteodinium spinosum sp. nov. is differentiated species of the genus in having spinose periphragm, granular endophragm, brushy apical horn, slight indication of tabulation and large size.
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