Apteodinium spinosum
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Apteodinium spinosum Jain and Millepied, 1975, p.139–140, pl.2, fig.27. Holotype: Jain and Millepied, 1975, pl.2, fig.27; Jan du Chêne et al., 1986a, pl.12, figs.8–10. Junior homonym: Apteodinium? spinosum (Alberti, 1961) Stover and Evitt,
1978. Nomenclatural junior synonym: Apteodinium senegalense Stover and Evitt, 1978, which has the same
holotype. Age: Aptian–Albian.
Original description: [Jain and Millepied 1975, p. 139-140]:
Shell ellipsoidal to globular, apical horn wel1 developed 1/4 of whole shell length, both periphragm and endophragm used in forming apical horn. Girdle distinct, circular, extending slightly laterally, ridges low; epi- and hypotract ¦ equal; hypotract obtusely rounded. Periphragm spinose, specialized along apical horn, spines at apex giving an appearance of brush; endophragm granular.
Archeopyle precingular (3").
Tabulation indication present.
Measurements Holotype Range
Shell length 91 µm 80 -120 µm
Shell width 65 µm 55 -105 µm
Apical horn length 24.7 µm 15 - 25 µm
Apical horn width 16 µm 12 - 20 µm
Shell wall thickness 4 µm 2.5-6.5 µm
Apteodinium spinosum sp. nov. is differentiated species of the genus in having spinose periphragm, granular endophragm, brushy apical horn, slight indication of tabulation and large size.
Apteodinium spinosum Jain and Millepied, 1975, p.139–140, pl.2, fig.27. Holotype: Jain and Millepied, 1975, pl.2, fig.27; Jan du Chêne et al., 1986a, pl.12, figs.8–10. Junior homonym: Apteodinium? spinosum (Alberti, 1961) Stover and Evitt,
1978. Nomenclatural junior synonym: Apteodinium senegalense Stover and Evitt, 1978, which has the same
holotype. Age: Aptian–Albian.
Original description: [Jain and Millepied 1975, p. 139-140]:
Shell ellipsoidal to globular, apical horn wel1 developed 1/4 of whole shell length, both periphragm and endophragm used in forming apical horn. Girdle distinct, circular, extending slightly laterally, ridges low; epi- and hypotract ¦ equal; hypotract obtusely rounded. Periphragm spinose, specialized along apical horn, spines at apex giving an appearance of brush; endophragm granular.
Archeopyle precingular (3").
Tabulation indication present.
Measurements Holotype Range
Shell length 91 µm 80 -120 µm
Shell width 65 µm 55 -105 µm
Apical horn length 24.7 µm 15 - 25 µm
Apical horn width 16 µm 12 - 20 µm
Shell wall thickness 4 µm 2.5-6.5 µm
Apteodinium spinosum sp. nov. is differentiated species of the genus in having spinose periphragm, granular endophragm, brushy apical horn, slight indication of tabulation and large size.