Apteodinium spiridoides

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Apteodinium spiridoides Benedek, 1972, p.5, pl.2, figs.1a–b; pl.15, figs.1–6. Emendation: Benedek and Sarjeant, 1981, p.318– 320, as Emslandia spiridoides. Holotype: Benedek, 1972, pl.2, figs.1a–b; Benedek and Sarjeant, 1981, fig.2, nos.1–3; Jan du Chêne et al., 1986a, pl.11, figs.6–9. Originally (and now) Apteodinium, subsequently Emslandia. Jan du
Chêne et al. (1986a, p.48) retained this species in Apteodinium. Taxonomic junior synonym: Apteodinium tectatum,
according to Lucas-Clark (1987, p.178) — however, Jan du Chêne in Head and Wrenn (1992, p.3) retained
Apteodinium tectatum. Age: middle Oligocene.


Original description: [Benedek, 1972, p. 5]: (Translation: LPP):

An Apteodinium species with the following features: the rounded ovoidal, in outline diamond-shaped shell, has an up to 5 µm thick, apparently strongly granulate wall. The veined wall seems to be patterned with white stains.

yellow-brownish membrane, epitheca and hypotheca are separated by a narrow, hardly indented, sometimes not visible girdle-furrow. There is only an indication of a longitudinal furrow. Apical and antapical processes are not observed. All specimens possess a rounded trapezoidal opening in precingular position.

shell length 76 (72-78) µm, width 72-74 µm, pylome 30x40 µm, wall 5 µm.

Emended description as Emslandia spiridoides:

Benedek and Sarjeant, 1981, p. 319:

Cyst proximate, subglobular to broadly subpolygonal. Epitract in the form of a rounded and trucated cone, crowned by a broad, low apical prominence: hypotract hemispherical. Phragma thick, two-layered; endophragm quite thin, periphragm roughly twelve to fifteen times thicker (total thickness c. 5 µm) and perforated by an irregular pattern of cavities and canals, sometimes opening to the exterior.
Paracingulum well marked by an indentation of the periphragm surface and bordered by narrow ridges; its two ends are only slightly offset. Parasulcus similarly marked and extending for a short distance anterior, and a greater distance posterior, to the paracingulum.
Surface of periphragm granulate to finely scabrate.
Archaeopyle single-plate precingular, Type P.

Holotype: length 76 µm, breadth 73 µm, thickness of wall 5 µm.
Range of Dimensions: Length 72-78 µm, breadth 72-74 µm, thickness of wall 5 µm. Material: 7 specimens.

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Apteodinium spiridoides Benedek, 1972, emend. Benedek and Sarjeant, 1981. Benedek and Sarjeant (1981, p.319) Cyst proximate, subglobular to broadly polygonal. Epicyst in the form of a rounded and truncated cone, crowned by a broad, low apical prominence; hypocyst hemispherical. Phragma thick, two-layered; endophragm thin, periphragm roughly twelve to fifteen times thicker (total thickness ca 5 µm) and perforated by an irregular pattern of cavities and canals, sometimes opening to the exterior. Surface of periphragm granulate to finely scabrate.
Size: length 72-78 µm, width 72-74 µm, wall 5 µm.
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