Apteodinium syzygium

Apteodinium syzygia, (Dörhöfer and Davies, 1980), Stover and Williams, 1987

Now Dodekovia. Originally (and now) Dodekovia, subsequently Apteodinium. Tax. sr synonym of Ovalicysta hiata Bjaerke, 1980, according to Below, 1987. Lentin and Williams, 1989, retained Ovalicysta hiata as a separate species. Below, 1987, and Prauss, 1989, retained this species in Dodekovia Dörhöfer and Davies, 1980.

Holotype: Dörhöfer and Davies, 1980, fig. 26A-D
Locus typicus: Reindeer penin, Ellef Ringnes Island, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada
Stratum typicum: Toarcian

Original description as Dodekovia syzygia: [Dörhöfer and Davies, 1980, p. 26]:

A species of Dodekovia with spherical to ovoidal cyst body. Phragma two-layered, fibrous between endo- and periphragm. Ornament densely granulate to punctate. Small apical horns often present.
Tabulation 4", 5a, 9"", 8c, 9""", 2p, 2"""", 4s; archeopyle 3P3I

Length 25(27)30 µm; breadth 18(22)26 µm (12 specimens).

Dodekovia gochtii (Dodekova) comb. nov. differs by its reticulate ornament. ?Meiourogonyaulax acanthosphaera (Sarjeant) Sarjeant 1976 resembles D. syzygia, but differs in archeopyle (AI), tabulation, and size.
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