Australiella spasica

Australiella sparsica, Grigorovich, 1969

Now Isabelidinium. Originally Australiella, subsequently (and now) Isabelidinium.

Holotype: Grigorovich, 1969, pl.1, fig.1
Locus typicus: Karpathians, District of Lwow, Russia
Stratum typicum: Late Cretaceous

Original description: [Grigorovich, 1969, p. 67]: (Translation: LPP):

Cyst oval, slightly elongated in longitudinal direction. Epitheca in the upper part slightly widened, resulting in the typical shoulders, ending in a short apical horn. Hypotheca trapezoidal, without antapical horns. Inner body oval, lateral closely appressed to the theca-wall, smooth. Archaeopyle "mushroom" shaped.
Theca thin, transparent, nearly colorless.

Length of theca 82.5 µm, breadth 55.0 µm, length of inner body 27.5 µm, breadth 55.0 µm.

It differs from Deflandrea bakeri (Deflandre and Cookson, 1955) in the form of the inner body, the hypotheca and the archaeopyle. Australiella cooksoni (Alberti, 1959) differs in the form of the hypotheca, the archaeopyle and the general outline of the theca.
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