Australisphaera verrucosa
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Australisphaerra verrucosa Davey, 1978, p.893, pl.2, figs.1–5. Holotype: Davey, 1978, pl.2, fig.1; Fensome et al., 1995, fig.1 — p.1901. Age: Campanian–Maastrichtian.
Original description: [Davey, 1978, p. 893]:
A specimen of Australisphaera possessing a wall of moderate thickness which has a closely spaced surface ornament of low verrucae. The verrucae are larger in the lateral and antapical regions when they may be the only indication of these features.
The horns, when present, grade from low bulges of the cyst wall to relatively long horns; the antapical horn arises from the ventral surface.
The operculum is typically detached.
The wall is of 1 to 1.5 µm thick and the low tubercles, which completely cover the surface, are usually less than 0.5 µm high. The large tubercles, mentioned in the diagnosis, and restricted to the lateral and antapical regions measure up to 3 µm in height and are particularly noticeable at the ends of the horns. The lateral horns tend to be of unequal length and may be notched.
The sulcal notch is not an obvious feature of the archeopyle margin and definite splitting of the cyst wall along the precingular plate boundaries is minimal. Only rarely can any signs of a pre- and postcingular tabulation be discerned.
Holotype Paratype Range
Overall width110 µm 137 µm 98(113)137 µm
Overall width 89 µm 94 µm 70(85)98 µm
(operculum detached)
Australisphaerra verrucosa Davey, 1978, p.893, pl.2, figs.1–5. Holotype: Davey, 1978, pl.2, fig.1; Fensome et al., 1995, fig.1 — p.1901. Age: Campanian–Maastrichtian.
Original description: [Davey, 1978, p. 893]:
A specimen of Australisphaera possessing a wall of moderate thickness which has a closely spaced surface ornament of low verrucae. The verrucae are larger in the lateral and antapical regions when they may be the only indication of these features.
The horns, when present, grade from low bulges of the cyst wall to relatively long horns; the antapical horn arises from the ventral surface.
The operculum is typically detached.
The wall is of 1 to 1.5 µm thick and the low tubercles, which completely cover the surface, are usually less than 0.5 µm high. The large tubercles, mentioned in the diagnosis, and restricted to the lateral and antapical regions measure up to 3 µm in height and are particularly noticeable at the ends of the horns. The lateral horns tend to be of unequal length and may be notched.
The sulcal notch is not an obvious feature of the archeopyle margin and definite splitting of the cyst wall along the precingular plate boundaries is minimal. Only rarely can any signs of a pre- and postcingular tabulation be discerned.
Holotype Paratype Range
Overall width110 µm 137 µm 98(113)137 µm
Overall width 89 µm 94 µm 70(85)98 µm
(operculum detached)