Carpodinium granulatum

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Carpodinium granulatum Cookson and Eisenack, 1962b, p.489, pl.1, figs.6–10. Emendation: Leffingwell and Morgan, 1977,
p.297–298. Holotype: Cookson and Eisenack, 1962b, pl.1, figs.6–9; Jan du Chêne et al., 1986a, pl.16, figs.1–4.
Age: Albian.


Original description: [Cookson and Eisenack, 1962, p. 489]:

The horn, which appears to be a forward extension of the membrane forming the wings of the plates, is short and pyramidal to prismatic in shape, sometimes with concave sides. The girdle is shallow with low ledges. The wings bordering the plates are serrate to denticulate and relatively broad. Those running longitudinally diverge outward from one another both apically and antapically, as well as in the region of the girdle, at an angle of approximately 70 grades. The surface of the shell is finely granular.

Emended description:

Leffingwell and Morgan, 1977, p. 297-298:

Elongate-ellipsoidal proximate cysts with a prominent apical horn, about 10 microns high; length-width ratio approximately 2; double-layered wall closely appressed over most of the reflected plate areas, but separated at the margin of the reflected plate areas to form inflated hollow sutural crests, and a hollow subcylindrical apical horn; sutural crests less well developed in the cingular, sulcal and antapical areas; tabulation 4', 6'', 6c, 5''', 1p, 1''''; fully or, more commonly, incompletely developed cingulum divides the cyst equally, and is offset at the sulcus by one or two cingulum widths; sulcal area extends half-way up the epitract, and to the extreme base of the hypotract, broadening antapically; plates 1' and 4' long and narrow with weak common septum; plates 2' and 3' nearly equidimensional with well-developed crests; precingular plate areas clearly reflected, elongate, subrectangular, with the exception of the smaller subtriangular 6'' plate area, the sutural crests of which are usually weakly reflected; subrectangular postcingular plates and plate 1p clearly reflected; sutural crests of antapical plate developed weakly, if at all; sutural crests are high, and may be psilate with two rows of granules, on either side of the crest ridge, or be uniformly granulate to scabrate; distal margins of crests may be smooth or slightly denticulate; intratabular areas may be psilate, or granulate to scabrate sometimes with a few small, superimposed pustules; where cingular crests are lacking, smooth intratabular areas merge to form elongate narrow fields extending continuously from the epitract to the hypotract;
precingular (3'') archaeopyle, with the two wall layers separated around the margin; free operculum thus consists of the intratabular area and the lower portion of the sutural crest all around;

size (exclusive of crests) 48-71x35-46 µm (25 specimens); average size (exclusive of crests) 63.0x40.3 µm.

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Carpodinium granulatum Cookson and Eisenack, 1962, emend. Leffingwell and Morgan, 1977, is a proximate cyst with a prominent apical horn about 10 Fm high. The length width ratio is about 2. The double-layered wall is closely appressed over most of the plate areas, but separates at the margins to form inflated hollow sutural crests. Sutural crests less well developed in the cingular, sulcal and antapical areas. 6" plate is subtriangular with poorly developed crests. Crests can be psilate, scabrate or granulate. Archeopyle precingular results from loss of 3".
Size: 64-85 x 38-50 µm.
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