Balcattia cirrifera

Balcattia cirrifera, Cookson and Eisenack, 1974.

Holotype: Cookson and Eisenack, 1974, pl.24, fig.8.
Locus typicus: Balcattia Bore 1, Australia.
Stratum typicum: Albian-Cenomanian.

Original description: [Cookson and Eisenack, 1974, p. 78]: (Translation: LPP):

Shell circular to slightly elliptical, single-walled, smooth, relatively thick-walled, apex with robust more or less parallel running processes, which are connected distally. Irregular, thin connections between the main processes give the antapical protrusion a net-like shape.
Apex breaks off at a zig-zag line, which is the only indication for paratabulation.

Type - length c. 64 µm, breadth c. 38 µm.
Paratype - length c. 78 µm, breadth c. 52 µm.
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