Batiacasphaera norvickii

Batiacasphaera norvickii, (Burger, 1980), Lentin and Williams, 1989

Originally Membranosphaera, subsequently Kallosphaeridium, thirdly (and now) Batiacasphaera.
This combination was not validly published in Burger, 1980b, since that author did not clearly use the name Batiacasphaera norvickii; the combination was not validly published in Jan du Chêne et al., 1985 since those authors did not fully reference the basionym.

Holotype: Burger, 1980, pl.26, fig.7
Distribution: A rare species in some assemblages of the upper part of the Odontochitina operculata Zone, and the Pseudoceratium turneri Zone.
Age: Albian

Original description: [Burger, 1980]:

Cyst approximately spherical; cyst wall two-layered, acavate, and 1.5-2 µm thick.
Archaeopyle apical, large, circular in outline; margin undulate or notched.
No paracingulum or other paratabulation are apparent.
Endophragm thin, psilate, periphragm of a finely spongy nature, in top view microgranulate to microrugulate, or imperfectly microreticulate.

Length of one entire specimen 74 µm; apical diameter (11 dehisced specimens) 54-67 µm, width (14 specimens) 53-84 µm.

This species is readily distinguished by its size, its large apical archaeopyle, and evenly, finely sculptured periphragm. It differs from Canningia minor Cookson & Hughes by its stratified wall and the more intricate surface pattern. An archaeopyle is always present, and an operculum is still attached in a few specimens.
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