Batiacasphaera rotundata

Batiacasphaera rotundata, (Cookson and Eisenack, 1961), Dörhöfer and Davies, 1980

Now Canningia?. Originally Canningia, subsequently (and now) Canningia?, thirdly Batiacasphaera.
Lentin and Williams, 1981, questionably retained this species in Canningia Cookson and Eisenack. 1960.

Holotype: Cookson and Eisenack, 1961, pl.12, fig.1
Locus typicus: Belfast No. 4 Bore, SW Victoria, Australia
Stratum typicum: Senonian

Original description as Canningia rotunda: [Cookson and Eisenack, 1961, p. 72]:

Shell nearly spherical in outline, mostly somewhat broader than long, flat in the present state of preservation, usually with a short broadly rounded apical horn. Antapex rounded or with a slight median prominance. Wall of variable thickness, c. 2-5 µm, closely covered with a dense indistinctly vermiculate pattern.
The shell opens by the complete detachment of the apex along an approximately straight line.

Type: length 87 µm, breadth 90 µm.
Range: length 87-105 µm, breadth 90-132 µm.
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