Batiacasphaera verrucosa

Batiacasphaera verrucosa, (Sarjeant, 1968), Dörhöfer and Davies, 1980

Now Barbatacysta. Originally Tenua Eisenack, 1958, subsequently Batiacasphaera, thirdly Sentusidinium, fourthly (and now) Barbatacysta. Lentin and Williams, 1981, retained this species in Sentusidinium Sarjeant and Stover, 1978.

Holotype: Sarjeant, 1968, pl.1, fig.17; pl.2, figs.3,6; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.11, figs.2-3.
Locus typicus: Villers-sur-Mer, Falaise des Vaches Noires, France
Stratum typicum: Marnes de Dives (L. lamberti Zone), Upper Callovian

Original description as Tenua verrucosa: [Sarjeant, 1968, p. 232]:

Shell spheroidal to broadly ovoidal, densely granular and bearing a close set stubble-like cover of squat spines, briefly branched and so short (less than 1 µm) that the shell has a warty appearance. Spine character is seen clearly only at the margins; they have short broad stalks and 2-4 recurved branches, the branches varying in length. Spines are lacking from cingulum and sulcus, both of which are narrow. Margin of archaeopyle scalloped, with a pronounced sulcal notch.

Holotype: length (apex lacking) 35 µm, breadth 41 µm.
Range: overall length (apices lacking) 35-45 µm, breadth 41-50 µm.
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