Bohaidina granulata
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Bohaidina granulata Jiabo, 1978, p.40–41, pl.8, fig.8; pl.11, figs.1–3,5; pl.12, figs.1–8; pl.13, figs.4–9. Emendation: Xu Jinli
and Mao Shaozhi, 1989, p.219. Holotype: Jiabo, 1978, pl.12, fig.8. Taxonomic junior synonyms: Prominangularia
granulata and Prominangularia dongyingensis, both according to Sun Xuekun (1994, p.71) — however He
Chengquan et al. (2009, p.453–454) retained both species separately; and Bohaidina aspera and Bohaidina microgranulosa, both according to He Chengquan et al. (2009, p. 446). Junior homonym: Bohaidina granulata
(Jiabo) He Chengquan et al. 2009. Age: early Tertiary.
Supplemented and emended description:
Xu Jinli and Mao Shaozhi, 1989: (Provisional translation by GSC: courtesy R. Fensome):
Cyst rhombic in outline with both apical and antapical projections, the base of which slightly sink, then expand to form a small "shoulder". 2-3 girdle projections well developed, one probably in dorsal side. Girdle folds 1-2, usually short. Wall autophragm, ornamented with non-tabular granules, resulting in the contour uneven.
Archeopyle, when developed, combination of tAa+3Ia type., opercula compound.
A detailed observation on the holotype (Jiabo, 1978, pl. 12, fig. 8) showed that indication of tabular suture was not found except for the rupture beneath the apex. In some specimens recovered from the type locality, however, well developed archeopyle of tAa+3Ia type has been observed. The present species differs from B. alveolae and B. dorsiprominentis in having granular ornamentation in its surface.
Bohaidina granulata Jiabo, 1978, p.40–41, pl.8, fig.8; pl.11, figs.1–3,5; pl.12, figs.1–8; pl.13, figs.4–9. Emendation: Xu Jinli
and Mao Shaozhi, 1989, p.219. Holotype: Jiabo, 1978, pl.12, fig.8. Taxonomic junior synonyms: Prominangularia
granulata and Prominangularia dongyingensis, both according to Sun Xuekun (1994, p.71) — however He
Chengquan et al. (2009, p.453–454) retained both species separately; and Bohaidina aspera and Bohaidina microgranulosa, both according to He Chengquan et al. (2009, p. 446). Junior homonym: Bohaidina granulata
(Jiabo) He Chengquan et al. 2009. Age: early Tertiary.
Supplemented and emended description:
Xu Jinli and Mao Shaozhi, 1989: (Provisional translation by GSC: courtesy R. Fensome):
Cyst rhombic in outline with both apical and antapical projections, the base of which slightly sink, then expand to form a small "shoulder". 2-3 girdle projections well developed, one probably in dorsal side. Girdle folds 1-2, usually short. Wall autophragm, ornamented with non-tabular granules, resulting in the contour uneven.
Archeopyle, when developed, combination of tAa+3Ia type., opercula compound.
A detailed observation on the holotype (Jiabo, 1978, pl. 12, fig. 8) showed that indication of tabular suture was not found except for the rupture beneath the apex. In some specimens recovered from the type locality, however, well developed archeopyle of tAa+3Ia type has been observed. The present species differs from B. alveolae and B. dorsiprominentis in having granular ornamentation in its surface.