Bohaidina microreticulata
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Bohaidina microreticulata Jiabo, 1978, p.41, pl.10, figs.1–8b. Emendation: Xu Jinli and Mao Shaozhi, 1989, p.220–221.
Holotype: Jiabo, 1978, pl.10, fig.2. Age: early Tertiary.
Supplemented and emended description:
Xu Jinli and Mao Shaozhi, 1989: (Provisional translation by GSC: courtesy R. Fensome):
Cyst subrhombic in outline, triangular in lateral view. Two girdle projections developed around both equatorial edges in ventral side. Dorsal side in lateral view bow-like in shape. Wall autophragm, its surface finely reticulate with polygonal to rounded polygonal mesh uniformly arranged. Combination archeopyle of tAa+3Ia type, opercula compound. Apical piece remaining in situ or falling towards ventral side, is attached ventrally to the cyst, or torn away from cyst, leaving a zigzag edge.
Under the present emendation Bohaidina microreticulata is defined as forms whose girdle projection in dorsal side degenerated and dorsal side convex strongly like a bow, by which it differs from Bohaidina dorsiprominentis.
Bohaidina microreticulata Jiabo, 1978, p.41, pl.10, figs.1–8b. Emendation: Xu Jinli and Mao Shaozhi, 1989, p.220–221.
Holotype: Jiabo, 1978, pl.10, fig.2. Age: early Tertiary.
Supplemented and emended description:
Xu Jinli and Mao Shaozhi, 1989: (Provisional translation by GSC: courtesy R. Fensome):
Cyst subrhombic in outline, triangular in lateral view. Two girdle projections developed around both equatorial edges in ventral side. Dorsal side in lateral view bow-like in shape. Wall autophragm, its surface finely reticulate with polygonal to rounded polygonal mesh uniformly arranged. Combination archeopyle of tAa+3Ia type, opercula compound. Apical piece remaining in situ or falling towards ventral side, is attached ventrally to the cyst, or torn away from cyst, leaving a zigzag edge.
Under the present emendation Bohaidina microreticulata is defined as forms whose girdle projection in dorsal side degenerated and dorsal side convex strongly like a bow, by which it differs from Bohaidina dorsiprominentis.