Bosea laevigata

Bosea, laevigata, Jiabo, 1978, ex He Chengquan and Qian Zeshu, 1979

Now Bosedinia laevigata. Originally Palaeostomocystis laevigata (name illegitimate; Appendix A), subsequently Bosea laevigata (generic name illegitimate), thirdly Fromea laevigata (combination illegitimate; Appendix A), fourthly Fromea psilata (Appendix A), fifthly (and now) Bosedinia laevigata.
The name Palaeostomocystis laevigata was illegitimate in Jiabo (1978) since this name is preoccupied. By " transferring" the species to Bosea, He Chengquan and Qian Zeshu (1979) effectively created a "new name". Following I.C.N. Article 55.1, the species name Bosea laevigata is validly published even though the generic name Bosea is illegitimate.

Occurrence: second member of the Dongying Formation of the Upper Oligocene Series in the coastal area of the Bohai Sea.
Age: Early Tertiary.

Description: [He Chengquan and Qian Zeshu, 1979]: (Translation: GSC, courtesy R. Fensome):

The ambital outline of the tract is ovoidal or subcircular to rounded triangular.
The tract possesses a "pylome" (the opening shown in Fig. 8 appears to be angular), which is usually situated at the broadest part of the tract; the operculum is either attached or lost.
No apical or antapical horns are observed, nor a cingulum or tabulation.
The hypotract is larger than the epitract. The wall of the tract is relatively thin, as it measures approximately 1.2 µm in thickness; it is divided into two layers that are more or less equally thick; the surface of the wall is almost smooth and often bears folds. [The tract] may contain a yellow-coloured structure suggestive of a nucleus. The diameter of the tract ranges from 35 - 60 µm.
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