Callaiosphaeridium falsificum

Callaiosphaeridium falsificum, (Duxbury, 1977), Below, 1981

Now Avellodinium. Originally (and now) Avellodinium, subsequently Callaiosphaeridium.
Tax. jr. synonym of Spiniferites? ramosus subsp. aulosphaeropsis (O. Wetzel, 1933) Lentin and Williams, 1973, according to Sarjeant, 1985, who noted that Avellodinium falsificum must be retained, since a taxon does not have priority outside its rank. Lentin and Williams, 1981, retained this species in Avellodinium Duxbury, 1977.

Holotype: Duxbury, 1977, pl.5, figs. 1,2.
Locality: Speeton Clay, Speeton, England.
Age: Berriasian-Barremian

Original description as Avellodinium falsificum: [Duxbury, 1977, p. 25-26]:

A small, chorate cyst. The cyst body is ellipsoidal, smooth to finely granular and fairly thick-walled. The periphragm is closely connected to the endophragm except where it is produced into gonal processes and sutural crests.
The processes are distally trifurcate, subsequently bifurcating once or twice to terminate in very slender, thread-like elements. Some cingular processes have a deep primary bifurcation.
Tabulation 3", 6", ?6c, 5""", lpv, 1"""", outlined by low sutural crests.
Sulcus broad, confined to hypotract.
Archeopyle epitractal, cingulum laevo-rotatory.

The endophragm is fairly thick and the periphragm is produced into gonal processes (no sutural processes were seen). These processes are usually proximally connected by low sutural crests. Occasionally, a few of the crests may be high and perforate. The difference in level between the free ends of the cingulum causes the splitting off of part of plate 6" during total removal of the epitract. Part of plate 6" therefore remains attached to the hypotract. Specimens are often seen where some splitting has occurred but where plate 6" is unbroken so that the two portions of the test remain attached.

Holotype (complete) - Main body 37x35 µm; overall 63x63 µm.
Range complete specimens- Main body 41(35)23x44(33)28 µm; overall 70(63)53x68(59)46 µm.
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