Canningia circularis
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Canningia? circularis Cookson and Eisenack, 1971, p.219, pl.8, fig.6. Holotype: Cookson and Eisenack, 1971, pl.8, fig.6. NOW Kallosphaeridium?. Originally Canningia, subsequently Canningia?, thirdly Batiacasphaera, fourthly (and now) Kallosphaeridium?. Questionable assignment: Stover and Evitt (1978, p.25). Age: middle Cretaceous, ?Turonian.
Canningia? circularis Cookson and Eisenack, 1971, p.219, pl.8, fig.6. Holotype: Cookson and Eisenack, 1971, pl.8, fig.6. NOW Kallosphaeridium?. Originally Canningia, subsequently Canningia?, thirdly Batiacasphaera, fourthly (and now) Kallosphaeridium?. Questionable assignment: Stover and Evitt (1978, p.25). Age: middle Cretaceous, ?Turonian.