Canningia rotundata

Canningia? rotundata, Cookson and Eisenack, 1961

Originally Canningia, subsequently (and now) Canningia?, thirdly Batiacasphaera. Stover and Evitt, 1978, considered this to be a provisionally accepted species of Canningia.

Holotype: Cookson and Eisenack, 1961, pl.12, fig1
Locus typicus: Belfast No. 4 Bore, SW Victoria, Australia
Stratum typicum: Senonian

Original description: [Cookson and Eisenack, 1961, p.72]:

Shell nearly spherical in outline, mostly somewhat broader than long, flat in the present state of preservation, usually with a short broadly rounded apical horn. Antapex rounded or with a slight median prominance. Wall of variable thickness, c 2-5 µm, closely covered with a dense indistinctly vermiculate pattern. The shell opens by the complete detachment of the apex along an approximately straight line.

Type: length 87 µm, breadth 90 µm.
Range: length 87-105 µm, breadth 90-132 µm.
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