Cannosphaeropsis williamsii

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cannosphaeropsis williamsii Sarjeant, 1986, p.33–34. Holotype: Williams and Downie, 1966c, pl.24, fig.8 (as Cannosphaeropsis
reticulensis). Age: Early Eocene.


Original description: [Sarjeant, 1986, p. 33]:

Cyst chorate, skolochorate and trabeculate. Ambitus ovoidal to broadly ellipsoidal or elongate subpolygonal, without horns or antapical asymmetry.
Processes nontabulate or in gonal or sutural situations. Each process tapers rapidly just above the base, thereafter maintaining constant thickness up to the position of branching. The processes may be hollow or solid, but they are always closed and bifurcate or trifurcate distally. The branches themselves bifurcate or trifurcate and give rise to an intricate, spider's-web-like meshwork of trabeculae which surrounds the whole cyst. Length of processes between one-third and one-half the equatorial diameter of the central body.
Surface of phragma without, or with reduced, ornament; parasutures not indicated by ridges or lines.
Archaeopyle precingular, type P; operculum free.

Holotype: overall length 46 µm, length of central body 30 µm, overall breadth 41 µm, breadth of central body 26 µm.
Range: diameters of central body 26-43 µm, length of processes 9-18 µm.
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