Mancodinium coalitum

Mancodinium coalitum (Davies, 1983) Below, 1987

Originally Dapcodinium, subsequently (and now) Mancodinium.
Holotype: Davies, 1983, pl.1, figs.7-8
Locus typicus: Prince Patrick Island, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories, Canada
Stratum typicum: Toarcian-Early Bajocian

Original diagnosis: Davies, 1983, p. 14: Dapcodinium coalitum
A species of Dapcodinium with a short fibrous apical horn, rounded antapex, indistinct cingulum and a slightly invaginated sulcus. Ornament densely granulate, granules small and coalescent with rare short spines. Sutures are expressed by narrow pandasutural zones.
Tabulation: 4", 5a, 7", ?8c, 7""", 5p, 2"""", "?s.
Archeopyle: (4A51) + 7P, disintegration type.
Size: length - 45(49)57 µm; breadth - 33(45)54 µm.

Original description: Davies, 1983, p. 14: Dapcodinium coalitum
The shape is oblate with a proximate wall structure. The fibrous apical horn arises from all four apical plates and terminates raggedly (4-5 µm long). The granulate ornament is dense, so that the granules coalesce resulting in a spongy appearance. The sutures are apparent through a reduction in ornament. Up to five small processes (2 µm high) may form on the epicyst. The disintegration archeopyle may be found at various stages of development from being intact to the complete loss of all apical, intercalary and precingular plates.

Remarks: Below, 1987, p.22

Davies, 1983, p. 14: Dapcodinium coalitum
D . priscum and D . wapellense differ from D . coalitum in lacking ornament and in possessing only one antapical plate. D. ornatum differs in possessing only four intercalary plates and having smaller ornament.
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