Ceratiopsis crassistriata

Ceratiopsis crassistriata, (Jain et al., 1975), Lentin and Williams, 1977

Combination illegitimate since the generic name Ceratiopsis is illegitimate.
Now Cerodinium. Originally Deflandrea, subsequently Ceratiopsis (combination illegitimate), thirdly (and now) Cerodinium.
Stover and Evitt, 1978, retained this species in Deflandrea Eisenack, 1938. Lentin and Williams, 1981, retained it in Ceratiopsis.

Holotypus: Jain et al., 1975, pl.6, fig.65
Locus typicus: Assam, India
Stratum typicum: Danian

Original description as Deflandrea crassistriata: [Jain, Sah and Singh, 1975, p. 8]:

Shell ovoidal, two layered; periphragm thin, granulate, grana arranged in longitudinal rows forming narrow ridges; forming a broad and tapering apical and two antapical horns.
Endophragm moderately thick, ornamented with broad longitudinally thickened strips, each strip followed by a narrow thin, unornamented zone. Capsule rounded to oblong, nearly as big as pericoel, periphragm and endophragm remain in close contact, apically giving a bicavate appearance to cyst.
Archaeopyle intercalary, below apical horn.

Dimensions: Holotype Range:
Cyst length 90 µm 90-110 µm
Cyst width 75 µm 75-90 µm
Capsule size 55 x 75 µm 55-70 x 75-90 µm
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