Cerodinium balticum

Cerodinium balticum, Vozzhennikova, 1967

Originally (and now) Cerodinium, subsequently Deflandrea; see also Ceratiopsis (combination illegitimate).

Holotype: Vozzhennikova, 1967, pl.117, figs.2a-b; Lentin and Vozzhennikova, 1990, pl.2, figs.4-6, text-fig.14
Locus typicus: Baltic, Kaliningrad region, Russia
Stratum typicum: Eocene

Original description: [Vozzhennikova, 1967, p. 154]: (Translation: Lentin and Vozzhennikova, 1990):

Epitheca conical with a narrow, curved apical horn at the tip. Hypotheca smaller than epitheca, trapeziform with concave sides and straight or curved antapical horns which are widely separated. Transverse furrow shallow, annulate, equatorial and somewhat projecting on the lateral walls of the theca. Longitudinal furrow situated on the hypotheca. Margins of furrows with short outgrowths. Internal body oval bright yellow, its surface granular. Theca yellow colored, smooth or finely dotted. Pylome trapeziform.

Expanded description:

Lentin and Vozzhennikova, 1990, p. 34-35:

Cyst shape peridinioid with one long apical and two equally developed, long antapical horns; endocyst broadly oval; apical pericoel cornucavate, antapical pericoel well developed, extending to paracingular area.
Periphragm thin with delicate intratabular granules, particularly on the precingular paraplates; endophragm densely granulose.
Paratabulation expressed by the archeopyle, paracingulum and intratabular granules; peridinioid.
Archeopyle large standard hexa (isodeltaform) formed by the loss of the 2a paraplate in both wall layers.
Paracingulum is shallow, indistinct to distinct, bordered by very small, very short bulbous processes. The parasulcus is shallow and expressed only as a depression on the hypocyst.

Holotype, length 148 µm, width 89 µm; length of endocyst 62 µm, width 70 µm, width of paracingulum 5.5 µm.
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