Cerodinium crassistriatum

Cerodinium crassistriata, (Jain et al., 1975), Lentin and Williams, 1987

Originally Deflandrea, subsequently (and now) Cerodinium; see also Ceratiopsis (combination illegitimate).

Holotypus: Jain et al., 1975, pl.6, fig.65
Locus typicus: Assam, India
Stratum typicum: Danian

Original description as Deflandrea crassistriata: [Jain, Sah and Singh, 1975, p. 8]:

Shell ovoidal, two layered; periphragm thin, granulate, grana arranged in longitudinal rows forming narrow ridges; forming a broad and tapering apical and two antapical horns.
Endophragm moderately thick, ornamented with broad longitudinally thickened strips, each strip followed by a narrow thin, unornamented zone. Capsule rounded to oblong, nearly as big as pericoel, periphragm and endophragm remain in close contact, apically giving a bicavate appearance to cyst.
Archaeopyle intercalary, below apical horn.

Dimensions: Holotype Range:
Cyst length 90 µm 90-110 µm
Cyst width 75 µm 75-90 µm
Capsule size 55 x 75 µm 55-70 x 75-90 µm
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