Cerodinium depressum

Cerodinium depressum, (Morgenroth, 1966), Lentin and Williams, 1987

Originally Deflandrea, subsequently (and now) Cerodinium; see also Ceratiopsis (combination illegitimate).

Holotype: Morgenroth 1966a, P1. 1 Fig. 2
Locus typicus: Katharinenhof Fehmarn.
Stratum typicum: Lower Eocene (?2).
Age: Early Eocene

Original description as Deflandrea depressa: [Morgenroth 1966a, p. 8]: (Translation: GSC):

A species of the genus Deflandrea with a long pointed apical horn and two pronounced antapical horns. The inner capsule is strongly flattened in a longitudinal direction.

The theca has an elongate, pentagonal outline. The epitheca is drawn out into a long conical pointed apical horn. The outer wall possesses a faint longitudinal furrow. The inner capsule is always flattened in a sagittal direction and touches the outer wall only in the lateral position. The distinct circular equatorial furrow is spiny on the two margins. On the hypotheca is a wide longitudinal furrow. Many specimens possess a rounded trapezoidal archeopyle which lies under the apical pole. At the present time, no species of the genus Deflandrea Eisenack with a similar morphology is known.

Capsule length: 26 microns (20/28 microns), capsule breadth: 38 microns (31/50 microns), specimen length: 80 microns (70/140 microns), specimen breadth: 38 microns (31/50 microns) (ldentical with capsule breadth) (30 measurements). Number of specimens examined: 45.
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