Cerodinium pannuceum

Cerodinium pannuceum, (Stanley, 1965), Lentin and Williams, 1987

Originally Deflandrea, subsequently Senegalinium?, thirdly Deflandrea?, fourthly (and now) Cerodinium; see also Ceratiopsis (combination illegitimate).

Holotype: Stanley, 1965, pl.22, figs.3-4
Locus typicus: South Dakota, USA
Stratum typicum: Paleocene

Original description as Deflandrea pannucea: [Stanley, 1965, p. 220]:

Outer cyst more or less pentagonal in dorso-ventral view; length 80-100 µm, width 55-78 µm; outer cyst membrane smooth, thin and characteristically longitudinally wrinkled. Apical horn 15 µm in length, hollow with what appears to be a distal pole present. Antapical horns typically divergent, length of horns about 25 µm with left horn always slightly longer than the right one. Interior cyst large, commonly subpentagonally shaped with the posterior end flattened; interior cyst more or less completely fills the outer cyst. Girdle distinct and well developed whereas furrow is usually indistinct. Archeopyle distinct to indistinct with the length of the posterior side approximately equaling that of the anterior side.

Deflandrea pannucea, somewhat resembles D. obliquipes Deflandre and Cookson with its diverging antapical horns and the subpentagonal inner cyst filling the outer one. It differs from this species of Deflandre and Cookson in that it is slightly smaller in size and, more importantly, has a smooth outer cyst membrane that is not longitudinally wrinkled.
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