Cordosphaeridium tenuistriatum
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cordosphaeridium? tenuistriatum Heisecke, 1970, p.245, pl.7, fig.1; pl.12, figs.3–4. Emendation: Quattrocchio and Sarjeant, 1996,
p.118, as Tityrosphaeridium tenuistriatum. Holotype: Heisecke, 1970, pl.7, fig.1; pl.12, figs.3–4. Originally
Cordosphaeridium, subsequently (and now) Cordosphaeridium?, thirdly Tityrosphaeridium?, fourthly
Tityrosphaeridium. This species was retained questionably in Cordosphaeridium by Fensome and Williams (2004,
p.155–156) since Tityrosphaeridium is now considered a taxonomic junior synonym of Cordosphaeridium.
Questionable assignment: Stover and Evitt (1978, p.147). Age: Early Paleocene.
Original description (Heisecke, 1970) Translation: PKB 2024
DIAGNOSIS. Subspherical corate cyst carrying intratabular processes, hollow, smoothly striated, which do not communicate with the interior of! central body. Most of the processes Except for the sulcals, they are subconical and open distally; sulcal processes are much more thin, spiny, sometimes forked and closed distally. No archeopyle is observed.
HOLOTYPE. Copy 429(2), coordinates 35.5/ 103.7.
DIMENSIONS. · Diameter of central body 34.5 x 36 μ, total diameter 57 x 64 μ, length of processes 13-18 μ.
DESCRIPTION. Subspherical corado cylinder composed of two delicate layers. The periphragm gives rise to the processes that are of two types, the majority, except the sulcal ones, are subconical with the base very expanded and also widened at the distal end, the thinnest part being in the distal section of the middle part. of! process. The distal end of! process is open, with the edge denticulated or corroded and sometimes gently infundibuliform. The sulcal processes are much thinner, spiny, sometimes bifurcated and closed distally. Both types of processes are intratabular, hollow, with the surface gently striated longitudinally and do not communicate with the interior of! central body. The tabulation reflected by the processes is l' 6" 6c 6"' l"" 4s one even plate. No archeopyle is observed.
DIMENSIONS. Diameter of central body 32-36 μ, total diameter 57-68 μ, length of processes 13-22 μ.
STUDY MATERIAL. Preparation 429( 2)' coordinates 47 /107 - 35.5/103.7.
COMPARISONS. It is interesting to highlight the notable similarity that the new species presents with Hystrichosphaeridium eoinodes Eisenack, 1958, from which it differs in the characteristics of the distal end of the processes, the general appearance possibly more delicate and tenuous and the striated structure of the processes, much less evident in the new species. The difference of the distal end of the processes is the most evident distinctive characteristic since in H. eoinodes the processes widen distally, divide and present the horde corroded or frayed to a greater or lesser degree. In the new species, however, in no case is a divided process observed, only a more or less widened and corroded one. However, the very similar characteristics such as dimensions, number and type (except distal bifurcations) of processes, the presence of finer processes with blunt or bifurcated ends (Gocht, 1959), the absence of an opening (Gocht, 1959) suggests that both species are related.
Cordosphaeridium? tenuistriatum Heisecke, 1970, p.245, pl.7, fig.1; pl.12, figs.3–4. Emendation: Quattrocchio and Sarjeant, 1996,
p.118, as Tityrosphaeridium tenuistriatum. Holotype: Heisecke, 1970, pl.7, fig.1; pl.12, figs.3–4. Originally
Cordosphaeridium, subsequently (and now) Cordosphaeridium?, thirdly Tityrosphaeridium?, fourthly
Tityrosphaeridium. This species was retained questionably in Cordosphaeridium by Fensome and Williams (2004,
p.155–156) since Tityrosphaeridium is now considered a taxonomic junior synonym of Cordosphaeridium.
Questionable assignment: Stover and Evitt (1978, p.147). Age: Early Paleocene.
Original description (Heisecke, 1970) Translation: PKB 2024
DIAGNOSIS. Subspherical corate cyst carrying intratabular processes, hollow, smoothly striated, which do not communicate with the interior of! central body. Most of the processes Except for the sulcals, they are subconical and open distally; sulcal processes are much more thin, spiny, sometimes forked and closed distally. No archeopyle is observed.
HOLOTYPE. Copy 429(2), coordinates 35.5/ 103.7.
DIMENSIONS. · Diameter of central body 34.5 x 36 μ, total diameter 57 x 64 μ, length of processes 13-18 μ.
DESCRIPTION. Subspherical corado cylinder composed of two delicate layers. The periphragm gives rise to the processes that are of two types, the majority, except the sulcal ones, are subconical with the base very expanded and also widened at the distal end, the thinnest part being in the distal section of the middle part. of! process. The distal end of! process is open, with the edge denticulated or corroded and sometimes gently infundibuliform. The sulcal processes are much thinner, spiny, sometimes bifurcated and closed distally. Both types of processes are intratabular, hollow, with the surface gently striated longitudinally and do not communicate with the interior of! central body. The tabulation reflected by the processes is l' 6" 6c 6"' l"" 4s one even plate. No archeopyle is observed.
DIMENSIONS. Diameter of central body 32-36 μ, total diameter 57-68 μ, length of processes 13-22 μ.
STUDY MATERIAL. Preparation 429( 2)' coordinates 47 /107 - 35.5/103.7.
COMPARISONS. It is interesting to highlight the notable similarity that the new species presents with Hystrichosphaeridium eoinodes Eisenack, 1958, from which it differs in the characteristics of the distal end of the processes, the general appearance possibly more delicate and tenuous and the striated structure of the processes, much less evident in the new species. The difference of the distal end of the processes is the most evident distinctive characteristic since in H. eoinodes the processes widen distally, divide and present the horde corroded or frayed to a greater or lesser degree. In the new species, however, in no case is a divided process observed, only a more or less widened and corroded one. However, the very similar characteristics such as dimensions, number and type (except distal bifurcations) of processes, the presence of finer processes with blunt or bifurcated ends (Gocht, 1959), the absence of an opening (Gocht, 1959) suggests that both species are related.