Danea fibrosa

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Danea fibrosa Hultberg, 1985c, p.119–120, pl.3, figs.H–I. Holotype: Hultberg, 1985c, pl.3, fig.H. Originally (and now)
Danea, subsequently Damassadinium (generic name illegitimate). Age: late Maastrichtian.


Original description: Hultberg, 1985, p. 119-120
Chorate cyst, composed of endophragm and periphragm, closely appressed between processes. The endophragm is thick with a smooth surface. The surface of the periphragm is fibrous. The shape of the endophragm is ellipsoidal, sometimes with a minute antapical bulge. The periphragm is ellipsoidal, with one apical and one antapical protrusion. Paratabulation is expressed by fibrous, penitabular septa of low relief, formed by the periphragm. The base of these low septa is located on slightly elevated platforms, formed by the endophragm. The distal end of the septa is irregular, and mostly digitate. The ornamentation of the apical paraplates fuses to form one prominent apical protrusion. Penitabular septa indicate six precingular and six postcingular paraplates. A small process indicates paraplate 1p. Paraplate 1"""" is indicated by a thick, club-shaped process. The archeopyle is precingular, type P, formed by the detachment of paraplate 3". Operculum free.
Paracingulum is indicated by six rectilinear, digitate ridges, reflecting six paracingular paraplates. Parasulcus is indicated by four to six elevations in the periphragm on the midventral surface. These elevations probably reflect individual parasulcal paraplates. Size - 67-91 Ám (length), 60-79 Ám (breadth).

Hultberg, 1985, p. 120: Danea fibrosa can be distinguished from other species of Danea by its characteristic low digitate septa, and the characteristic shape of the apical and antapical protrusions.
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