Cerodinium speciosum

Cerodinium speciosum, (Alberti, 1959), Lentin and Williams, 1987

Originally Deflandrea, subsequently (and now) Cerodinium; see also Ceratiopsis (combination illegitimate).

Holotype: Alberti, 1959, p.97, pl.9, fig.13
Locus typicus: Mecklenburg, Germany
Stratum typicum: Late Paleocene

Original description as Deflandrea speciosa: [Alberti 1959, p. 97]: (Translation: LPP):

Shell flattened, outline elongate pentagonal. With a distally narrowing short apical horn, and two strongly diverging, tapering antapical horns. Transversal furrow slightly deepened, longitudinal furrow sometimes indicated on the hypotheca. On the periphragm denticulated ridges, which could belong to the tabulation. The capsule often positioned close to the shell. Shell membrane and capsule ornamented with small, distinct closely arranged tubercles, which also could be absent on several positions.
Additions: The species is characterised by the strong diverging of the widely separated antapical horns. A tabulation could not be recognised. A rounded-trapezium shaped archeopyle is located below the apex. The membrane of the shell is transparent; the membrane of the capsule brownish.

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Cerodinium speciosum (Alberti, 1959b) Lentin and Williams, 1987, according to Heilmann-Clausen differs from Cerodinium striatum only in the less clearly marked longitudinal striations on the periphragm. That author also recognized a smooth subspecies which he named Cerodinium speciosum subsp. speciosum.
Size: length 110-130 µm, width 60-80 µm.
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