Chatangiella biapertura

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Chatangiella? biapertura (McIntyre, 1975, p.66, pl.3, figs.5–8) Lentin and Williams, 1976, p.53. Holotype: McIntyre, 1975, pl.3, figs.5–6. NOW Alterbidinium. Originally Deflandrea, subsequently Chatangiella?, thirdly (and now)
Alterbidinium. Questionable assignment: Lentin and Williams (1976, p.53). Age: Campanian–Maastrichtian.


Original description Deflandrea biapertura: [McIntyre, 1975, p. 66]:

Cyst cavate, dorsoventrally flattened, more or less spherical in dorsoventral view except for apical and antapical horns, and is divided into equal epitract and hypotract by a simple cingulum.
Apical horn 10-30 µm long and usually rounded at the end. Left antapical horn 15-30 µm long, narrow, and pointed; right antapical horn normally appears only as an angular bulge.
Cingulum about 7 µm wide and bordered on both edges by slightly raised irregular ridges.
A large wide sulcus is present on the ventral surface.
The large intercalary (2a) archeopyle is rounded hexagonal and the operculum is often attached at the posterior margin. There is no sign of an archeopyle in the endoblast. A large circular opening (antapical archeopyle? ) is usually present in the periblast between the antapical horns (Pl. 3, fig. 5, 6).
Endoblast large, spherical, normally not folded, and usually closely appressed to periblast laterally, especially in hypotract. Apical and antapical pericoels are present.
Endophragm about 1 µm thick and finely scabrate to finely granulate, especially on anterior and posterior ends. Periphragm less than 1 µm thick and smooth to finely scabrate. It is often wrinkled and has a somewhat striate appearance (Pl. 3. fig. 7).

Holotype, 136 µm long, 78 µm wide; endoblast, 60 µm long; range, 94-145 µm long, 60-92 µm wide; endoblast, 41-78 µm long.
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