Chatangiella micracantha

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Chatangiella micracantha (Cookson and Eisenack, 1960a, p.3, pl.1, fig.9) Lentin and Williams, 1976, p.54. Holotype: Cookson and Eisenack, 1960a, pl.1, fig.9; Cookson and Manum, 1964, pl.76, figs.9–11. Originally Deflandrea, subsequently Australiella, thirdly (and now) Chatangiella. Age: Campanian.


Original description as Deflandrea micracantha: [Cookson and Eisenack, 1960, p. 3]:

Shell elongate, flat, equally divided by a rather broad and slightly helicoid girdle, epitheca and hypotheca narrowing towards the apex and antapex, respectively.
The epitheca terminates in a broad, bluntly pointed, triangular horn the hypotheca in two broad and bluntly pointed horns of unequal size. A longitudinal furrow, bordered by divergent ledges, is situated on the ventral surface of the hypotheca.
A faint indication of tabulation is present.
The capsule is circular in outline and fills the shell laterally. The shell membrane is closely spinulose in the capsular region, becoming more sparsely so towards the apex and antapex. The membrane of the capsule is finely granular.

Holotype: 133 µm long, 81 µm broad, capsule 72x74 µm, girdle 10 µm wide, diameter of pylome 30 µm.
Range: 114-133 x 72-87 µm.
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