Chatangiella robusta

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Chatangiella? robusta (Benson, 1976, p.199,200,202, pl.11, figs.9–12; pl.12, fig.1) Stover and Evitt, 1978, p.99. Holotype: Benson, 1976, pl.11, figs.9–12; pl.12, fig.1. Originally Trithyrodinium, subsequently (and now) Chatangiella?. Questionable assignment: Stover and Evitt (1978, p.99); and Lebedeva (2000, p.112,121). Taxonomic junior synonym: Trithyrodinium inequale (name not validly published), according to Slimani (2001a, p.192). Age: late


Original description as Trithyrodinium robustum: [Benson, 1976, p. 198]:

Cavate cyst with pronounced apical horn, antapical horns, and large circular to elliptical endoblast. Left antapical horn twice as long as right. Tabulation reflected by intratabular coni: 4", 3a, 6-7", ?c, 5""", 1p, 2"""".
Archeopyle type 3I on endoblast, type I on periblast.
Cingulum levorotary, slightly greater than 1 cingulum width.
Sulcus restricted to hypotract, up to 15 µm in width.
Endoblast microreticulate to microgranulate. Endophragm 1 µm in thickness, increasing to 2 µm at apical and antapical ends. Periphragm slightly less than 1 µm in thickness.

Holotype: Periblast length 153 µm; width 78 µm; endoblast length 69 µm; width 71 µm; apical pericoel 43 µm.
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