Chlamydophorella solida

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Chlamydophorella solida Morgan, 1980, p.19, pl.30, figs.7–16. Holotype: Morgan, 1980, pl.30, figs.9–12. Age: middle Aptian–earliest Albian.

Original description: [Morgan, 1980, p. 19]:

Cyst ambitus sub-elliptical; endophragm thick and ellipsoidal, bearing very many short solid spines supporting an imperforate periphragm;
spines 3-5 µm long and about 1 µm thick over most of endophragm, slightly longer (6-8 µm) at the paracingulum;
spines may be weakly aligned in parasutural rows marking the paracingulum, parasulcus and rarely some precingular paraplates: periphragm psilate and continuous;
archeopyle apical, operculum free.

The most closely similar species is Chlamydophorella grossa Manum and Cookson 1964, which differs by having processes of the same length over the entire cyst, instead of being slightly longer at the paracingulum. C. grossa and C. solida are both much larger (about 100 µm) than other species of Chlamydophorella (40-50 µm). C. discreta Clarke and Verdier 1967 and C. urna Cookson and Eisenack 1960 both have very short processes (1-2 µm long), but those of C. discreta are even in length, while those of C urna are longer at the paracingulum. C nyei and C. Iargissima Singh 1971 have medium length (4-6 µm long) processes, but C. nyei is smaller, with more closely packed processes. C. tabulata Singh 1971 has processes restricted to parasutural areas while C. wallala Cookson and Eisenack 1960 has an ellipsoidal ambitus.
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