Chytroeisphaeridia grossa

Chytroeisphaeridia grossa, Smelror, 1988

Tax. jr. synonym of Chytroeisphaeridia hyalina (Raynaud, 1978) Lentin and Williams, 1981, according to Riding, 1990.

Holotype: Smelror, 1988, fig.10C
Locus typicus: Jameson Land, Greenland
Stratum typicum: Callovian-Early Oxfordian

Original description: [Smelror, 1988, p. 150]:

Dinoflagellate cysts approximately spherical in shape, or when flattened appearing more subspherical elongated, possessing one or more arcuate folds.
The cysts are single-walled, the autophragm being relatively thick (1-2.5 µm). The autophragm is smooth externally and is unstructured internally. The archeopyle is simple, precingular and formed by the loss of just the fourth precingular paraplate (following the Taylor-Evitt notation system; i.e. the third Kofoidian precingular paraplate). The operculum is free and has a tapering hexagonal shape.

Cyst diameters range between 65 and 105 µm (20 specimens measured).

Affinities: (p. 152):
The overall character of Chytroeisphaeridia grossa sp. nov. is similar to Chytroeisphaeridia chytroeides (Sarjeant) Sarjeant & Downie, 1965, but is considerably larger (in general 35-50 µm larger in cyst diameters) and appears more thick-walled.
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