Chytroeisphaeridia ringnesiorum

Chytroeisphaeridia ringnesiorum, (Manum and Cookson, 1964), Morgan, 1980

Now Kallosphaeridium?. Originally Canningia, subsequently Canningia?, thirdly Batiacasphaera, fourthly Chytroeisphaeridia, fifthly (and now) Kallosphaeridium?.

Holotype: Manum and Cookson, 1964, pl.2, fig.10
Locus typicus: Ellef Ringnes Island, Arctic Canada
Stratum typicum: Campanian-Maastrichtian

Original description as Canningia ringnesiorum: [Manum and Cookson, 1964, p.15-16]:

Shell almost circular, sometimes slightly broader than long, with or without a slight apical projection.
Archeopyle apical, formed by the rupture of the shell along a more or less straight line a short distance behind the apex, sometimes small V-shaped notches can be observed along the edge.
Wall thin, in surface view with a finely dotted pattern, in optical section the ornament is seen to be composed of somewhat club-shaped elements c. 1.0 µm long.

Holotype: 92 µm long, 93 µm broad.
Range: 64-102 µm long, 57-100 µm broad.
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