Cleistosphaeridium aciculare

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cleistosphaeridium? aciculare Davey, 1969a, p.158, pl.6, figs.11–12. Holotype: Davey, 1969a, pl.6, figs.11–12; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.23, fig.9. NOW Downiesphaeridium?. Originally Cleistosphaeridium, subsequently Downiesphaeridium, thirdly (and now) Downiesphaeridium?. Questionable assignment: Davey (1969a, p.158). Age: Albian–Cenomanian.


Original description: [Davey, 1969, p. 158]:

Shell spherical to subspherical; shell wall of moderate thickness, densely granular.
Processes numerous, finely to broadly acuminate, slightly flexuous, less than one-third of shell diameter in length.

The processes may be finely or broadly acuminate but on each individual their width is constant. On individuals bearing fine processes these are more densely packed than in individuals with broad processes. All intergradations exist between the fine and the broad processed forms. The processes are always pointed distally and occasionally bear small subsidiary spines near their extremities.
An archaeopyle has never been observed.

diameter of central body 32 (43) 54 µm, maximum length of processes 8 (13.9) 21 µm.
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