Cleistosphaeridium ehrenbergii
Cleistosphaeridium ehrenbergii (Deflandre, 1947c, fig.1, no.5) Davey et al., 1969, p.16.
Emendation: Masure in Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, p.337–338, as Impletosphaeridium ehrenbergii.
Holotype: Deflandre, 1939a, pl.10, fig.9, as Hystrichosphaeridium cf. hirsutum; Deflandre, 1947c, fig.1, no.5; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.48, figs.9,11.
NOW Impletosphaeridium. Originally Hystrichosphaeridium, subsequently Baltisphaeridium (Appendix A), thirdly Cleistosphaeridium, fourthly Cleistosphaeridium?, fifthly (and now) Impletosphaeridium.
Questionable assignment: Stover and Evitt (1978, p.32) as a problematic species.
For a full discussion see Impletosphaeridium ehrenbergii.
Age: Oxfordian.
Supplemental description:
Gitmez, 1970, p. 284:
The subspherical shell bears simple straight, solid, conical and distally closed processes in large number (30-44). The shell surface is smooth. Sometimes an apical archaeopyle is developed.
Figured specimen: shell length 35 µm, breadth 38 µm; process length 15-18 µm.
Range of the English specimens (9 specimens measured): shell length 45-62 µm, breadth 45-50 µm;
French specimens (2 specimens measured): shell length 48-65 µm, breadth 45-50 µm. In all specimens, length of the process 15-25 µm, breadth 1-5 µm.
Dimensions of the Scottish specimen: shell length 30 µm, breadth 30 µm; process length 16 µm.
Emendation: Masure in Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, p.337–338, as Impletosphaeridium ehrenbergii.
Holotype: Deflandre, 1939a, pl.10, fig.9, as Hystrichosphaeridium cf. hirsutum; Deflandre, 1947c, fig.1, no.5; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.48, figs.9,11.
NOW Impletosphaeridium. Originally Hystrichosphaeridium, subsequently Baltisphaeridium (Appendix A), thirdly Cleistosphaeridium, fourthly Cleistosphaeridium?, fifthly (and now) Impletosphaeridium.
Questionable assignment: Stover and Evitt (1978, p.32) as a problematic species.
For a full discussion see Impletosphaeridium ehrenbergii.
Age: Oxfordian.
Supplemental description:
Gitmez, 1970, p. 284:
The subspherical shell bears simple straight, solid, conical and distally closed processes in large number (30-44). The shell surface is smooth. Sometimes an apical archaeopyle is developed.
Figured specimen: shell length 35 µm, breadth 38 µm; process length 15-18 µm.
Range of the English specimens (9 specimens measured): shell length 45-62 µm, breadth 45-50 µm;
French specimens (2 specimens measured): shell length 48-65 µm, breadth 45-50 µm. In all specimens, length of the process 15-25 µm, breadth 1-5 µm.
Dimensions of the Scottish specimen: shell length 30 µm, breadth 30 µm; process length 16 µm.