Cleistosphaeridium mikirii

Cleistosphaeridium mikirii, Mehrotra, 1981

Tax. jr. synonym of Lingulodinium machaerophorum (Deflandre and Cookson, 1955) Wall, 1967, according to Jain and Garg, 1983

Holotype: Mehrota, 1981, pl.1, fig.2
Locus typicus: Gararnpani (borehole-b, at the trijunction of Lumkhingdong nala), Assam, India
Stratum typicum: Middle Eocene

Original description: [Mehrota, 1981, p. 14-15]:

Central body spheroidal-subspheroidal, smooth to granular; processes numerous, alike, finger-like, hollow to solid, distal ends evexate.

Holotype: Diameter of central body 45x48 µm; length of processes 8-15 µm.
Range: Diameter of central body 42- 48 µm; length of processes 8-15 µm.

The species in general size, shape and having numerous minute processes, resembles Cleistosphaeridium armatum (Deflandre) Davey (1966) but differs in having evexate distal terminations of the processes. Similarly, it can be easily distinguished from Cieistosphaeridium disjunctum Davey, Downie, Sarjeant and Williams (1966) by its nature of distal terminations of processes which in London clay species are acuminate. The processes in Garampani Limestone specimens are not always hollow as in C. disjunctum and C. armatum.
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