Cleistosphaeridium mojsisovicsii

Cleistosphaeridium? mojsisovicsii, Morbey, 1975

Tax. jr. synonym of Hystrichosphaeridium (now Beaumontella) caminuspina Wall, 1965, according to Below, 1987.
Stover and Evitt, 1978, considered this to be a provisionally accepted species of Cleistosphaeridium.

Holotype: Morbey, 1975, pl.15, figs.5a-b
Locus typicus: Westbury Member, Rhaetic Formation, Bunny Hill Borehole, Notts., England
Stratum typicum: Rhaetian-Hettangian

Original description: [Morbey, 1975, p.40]:

Cyst chorate, sphaerical to ovoidal.
Wall thin, microgranulate, occasionally highly compressed and folded.
Archeopyle apical, represented by rupture of cyst at apex of longitudinal axis, not discernible in all specimens.
Processes hollow, generally homomorphic and of equal length per individual, 16-40 in number (mean 26), equal to or greater than 18 % of cyst length/diameter in length. Process bases widely curved or expanded, circular in section. Process stems conical, tapered or cylindrical, occasionally annulotabulate or with constricted stems. Process terminations simple, with rounded, truncate or pointed closed tips. Occasionally specimens occur with one or two bulbous, bifid, bifurcate, or trifurcate terminate processes. Process cavity (pericoel) not in communication with cyst cavity (endocoel).

Cyst length/diameter 12 (21) 33 µm; breadth 7 (15) 26 µm (50 specimens measured). Process length ca. 5-18 µm, diameter ca. 1.5-6 µm. Cyst length: breadth 1:1--5:2.

The species differs from Hystrichosphaeridium langi Wall, 1965 emend. in its distally closed, generally less numerous, homomorphic, unbranching processes.
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