Cleistosphaeridium polytrichum
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cleistosphaeridium polytrichum (Valensi, 1947, p.818, text-fig.4) Davey et al., 1969, p.16. Holotype: Valensi, 1947, text-fig.4; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.24, figs.1–6. NOW Impletosphaeridium? Originally Hystrichosphaeridium,
subsequently Baltisphaeridium (Appendix A), thirdly Cleistosphaeridium, fourthly Impletosphaeridium, fifthly
Downiesphaeridium, sixthly (and now) Impletosphaeridium?. Taxonomic junior synonym: Cleistosphaeridium (as
Downiesphaeridium) polyacanthum, according to Masure in Fauconnier and Masure (2004, p.196). The
combination Cleistosphaeridium polytrichum was not validly published in Davey et al. (1966, p.170), since these
authors did not fully reference the basionym. Age: late Bathonian.
Original sentence in Valensi 1947: "En outre, des silex du Bathonien supérieur renferment des Hystrichosphaeridium (H. polytrichum nov. sp., fig. 4) et des Péridiniens.
Cleistosphaeridium polytrichum (Valensi, 1947, p.818, text-fig.4) Davey et al., 1969, p.16. Holotype: Valensi, 1947, text-fig.4; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.24, figs.1–6. NOW Impletosphaeridium? Originally Hystrichosphaeridium,
subsequently Baltisphaeridium (Appendix A), thirdly Cleistosphaeridium, fourthly Impletosphaeridium, fifthly
Downiesphaeridium, sixthly (and now) Impletosphaeridium?. Taxonomic junior synonym: Cleistosphaeridium (as
Downiesphaeridium) polyacanthum, according to Masure in Fauconnier and Masure (2004, p.196). The
combination Cleistosphaeridium polytrichum was not validly published in Davey et al. (1966, p.170), since these
authors did not fully reference the basionym. Age: late Bathonian.
Original sentence in Valensi 1947: "En outre, des silex du Bathonien supérieur renferment des Hystrichosphaeridium (H. polytrichum nov. sp., fig. 4) et des Péridiniens.