Codoniella langparensis

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Codoniella? langparensis Jain et al., 1975, p.12, pl.4, fig.56; pl.5, figs.57–58. Holotype: Jain et al., 1975, pl.5, fig.58. Originally Codoniella, subsequently (and now) Codoniella? Questionable assignment: Stover and Evitt (1978, p.227). Age: Danian.


Original description: [Jain, Sah and Singh, 1975]:

Shell spherical to oval, symmetrical, thin, extending apically and antapically to form single apical and antapical horn. Horns short and broad or long and narrow. Equatorial projections distally connected with thin delicate membrane giving an appearance of wings.
Transverse and longitudinal furrows not discernible.
Archaeopyle distinct, broad, combined precingular (? ).
Shell surface scabrate.

Holotype Range
Shell length: 110 µm 80-110 µm
Shell width: 120 µm 115-120 µm
Body diameter: 80 µm 75-85 µm
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