Codoniella psygma
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Codoniella psygma Davey, 1979b, p.556, pl.2, figs.9–14. Holotype: Davey, 1979b, pl.2, figs.9–10. NIA. Age: Aptian–Albian.
Original description: [Davey, 1979]:
This is a species of Codoniella possessing a paracingulum which is clearly defined by parasutural thickenings. The boundaries between the pre- and postcingular paraplates are either defined by low parasutural thickenings or by crests, and in the latter case the thickening extends along the crest just within its outer border.
An archeopyle is typically present.
The polar, funnel-like structures, typical of Codoniella, are well developed and the crests between the pre- and postcingular paraplates abut against them. The antapical funnel is simply composed of crests bordering the pre- and postcingular paraplates. However the apical funnel appears more complex in that, although the main funnel-shaped structure resembles that at the antapex, additional crests may be developed along apical paraplate boundaries. Distally the crests are smooth to slightly serrate.
Holotype Range Overall length 89 µm 59-89 µm
Endocyst diameter 36 × 40 µm 28-41 µm
C. psygma sp. nov. may be distinguished from C. campanulata by its clearly defined paracingular tabulation. This species appears to have been illustrated by Habib (1972, pi. 15, fig. 3) as Hystrichosphaeropsis ovum from Leg 11, DSDP Hole 101 A, Sample 6-1, 70-73 cm, western North Atlantic; it is here probably of Apto-Albian age.
Codoniella psygma Davey, 1979b, p.556, pl.2, figs.9–14. Holotype: Davey, 1979b, pl.2, figs.9–10. NIA. Age: Aptian–Albian.
Original description: [Davey, 1979]:
This is a species of Codoniella possessing a paracingulum which is clearly defined by parasutural thickenings. The boundaries between the pre- and postcingular paraplates are either defined by low parasutural thickenings or by crests, and in the latter case the thickening extends along the crest just within its outer border.
An archeopyle is typically present.
The polar, funnel-like structures, typical of Codoniella, are well developed and the crests between the pre- and postcingular paraplates abut against them. The antapical funnel is simply composed of crests bordering the pre- and postcingular paraplates. However the apical funnel appears more complex in that, although the main funnel-shaped structure resembles that at the antapex, additional crests may be developed along apical paraplate boundaries. Distally the crests are smooth to slightly serrate.
Holotype Range Overall length 89 µm 59-89 µm
Endocyst diameter 36 × 40 µm 28-41 µm
C. psygma sp. nov. may be distinguished from C. campanulata by its clearly defined paracingular tabulation. This species appears to have been illustrated by Habib (1972, pi. 15, fig. 3) as Hystrichosphaeropsis ovum from Leg 11, DSDP Hole 101 A, Sample 6-1, 70-73 cm, western North Atlantic; it is here probably of Apto-Albian age.