Compositosphaeridium bulgaricum
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Compositosphaeridium bulgaricum (Erkmen and Sarjeant, 1980, p.66–67) Lentin and Williams, 1981, p.53. Holotype: Dodekova, 1974, pl.1, figs.4–6; text-fig.1; Stancliffe and Sarjeant, 1990, pl.5, fig.5; text-fig.3, no.5, both as Compositosphaeridium costatum. Originally Compositosphaeridium Erkmen and Sarjeant (generic name illegitimate), subsequently (and now) Compositosphaeridium Dodekova. Taxonomic senior synonym: Hystrichosphaeridium (as Compositosphaeridium) polonicum, according to Dodekova (1990, p.9) — however, Stancliffe and Sarjeant (1990, p.203) retained Compositosphaeridium bulgaricum. Age: Bathonian.
Original description: [Erkmen and Sarjeant, 1980, p. 66]:
Cyst ovoidal, with large processes in intratabular situations and smaller cingular and sulcal processes of more varied character.
Paratabulation 4", ?a. 6"", 6c, 5""", 1p, 1pv, 1"""".
The intratabular processes consist of large polygonal polytubes (with 2-12 components), spines arising distally from the thickenings between tubes; the size of the polytubes, and their number of components, varies in accord with the position and size of the paraplates they reflect, the dorsal and antapical processes being larger than the ventral and apical processes. The cingular processes include simple spines (closed and oblate, capitate or digitate distally) and monotubes or polytubes with aculeate terminations; the sulcal processes include simple spines, closed or open and oblate, capitate or digitate distally. Rootlike extensions from the angles of the larger processes, sometimes developed into crests, unite adjacent processes and are, in part at least, sutural in position; less commonly, the distal spines are prolonged into trabeculae uniting the process tips.
The archaeopyle is apical and tetratabular.
of holotype not separately stated.
Range of dimensions of type material: length of incomplete cyst 47-55 µm, breadth 42-55 µm, length of processes 17-23 µm, height of crests 3-15 µm.
Affinities: (p. 67):
Compositosphaeridium bulgaricum differs from C. polonicum (Gorka 1965) Sarjeant and Erkmen in having larger intratabular processes, commonly though not constantly linked by crests or trabeculae, and in details of process structure.
Courtinat, 1989, p.166:
C. bulgaricum is easily distinguished from C. polonicum in the presence of trabeculae between the processes, whereas they are typically absent in C. polonicum. The process diameter seems to be larger in C. bulgaricum than in C. polonicum; this feature would imply that the number of folds on the processes is larger in C. bulgaricum than in C. polonicum. The processes are not polytubular, contrary to the opinion of Dodekova (1974).
Compositosphaeridium bulgaricum (Erkmen and Sarjeant, 1980, p.66–67) Lentin and Williams, 1981, p.53. Holotype: Dodekova, 1974, pl.1, figs.4–6; text-fig.1; Stancliffe and Sarjeant, 1990, pl.5, fig.5; text-fig.3, no.5, both as Compositosphaeridium costatum. Originally Compositosphaeridium Erkmen and Sarjeant (generic name illegitimate), subsequently (and now) Compositosphaeridium Dodekova. Taxonomic senior synonym: Hystrichosphaeridium (as Compositosphaeridium) polonicum, according to Dodekova (1990, p.9) — however, Stancliffe and Sarjeant (1990, p.203) retained Compositosphaeridium bulgaricum. Age: Bathonian.
Original description: [Erkmen and Sarjeant, 1980, p. 66]:
Cyst ovoidal, with large processes in intratabular situations and smaller cingular and sulcal processes of more varied character.
Paratabulation 4", ?a. 6"", 6c, 5""", 1p, 1pv, 1"""".
The intratabular processes consist of large polygonal polytubes (with 2-12 components), spines arising distally from the thickenings between tubes; the size of the polytubes, and their number of components, varies in accord with the position and size of the paraplates they reflect, the dorsal and antapical processes being larger than the ventral and apical processes. The cingular processes include simple spines (closed and oblate, capitate or digitate distally) and monotubes or polytubes with aculeate terminations; the sulcal processes include simple spines, closed or open and oblate, capitate or digitate distally. Rootlike extensions from the angles of the larger processes, sometimes developed into crests, unite adjacent processes and are, in part at least, sutural in position; less commonly, the distal spines are prolonged into trabeculae uniting the process tips.
The archaeopyle is apical and tetratabular.
of holotype not separately stated.
Range of dimensions of type material: length of incomplete cyst 47-55 µm, breadth 42-55 µm, length of processes 17-23 µm, height of crests 3-15 µm.
Affinities: (p. 67):
Compositosphaeridium bulgaricum differs from C. polonicum (Gorka 1965) Sarjeant and Erkmen in having larger intratabular processes, commonly though not constantly linked by crests or trabeculae, and in details of process structure.
Courtinat, 1989, p.166:
C. bulgaricum is easily distinguished from C. polonicum in the presence of trabeculae between the processes, whereas they are typically absent in C. polonicum. The process diameter seems to be larger in C. bulgaricum than in C. polonicum; this feature would imply that the number of folds on the processes is larger in C. bulgaricum than in C. polonicum. The processes are not polytubular, contrary to the opinion of Dodekova (1974).