Cribroperidinium crassinervum

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cribroperidinium crassinervum (Deflandre, 1939b, p.144, pl.6, fig.5 ex Sarjeant, 1967b, p.248–249) Nøhr-Hansen, 1986, p.33. Emendation: Nøhr-Hansen, 1986, p.33, as Cribroperidinium crassinervum. Holotype: Deflandre, 1939b, pl.6, fig.5; Jan du Chêne et al., 1986a, pl.70, figs.1–4. Originally Palaeoperidinium (name not validly published), subsequently Gonyaulacysta, thirdly Leptodinium, fourthly Leptodinium?, fifthly (and now) Cribroperidinium. The name Palaeoperidinium crassinervum was not validly published in Deflandre (1939b) since the generic name
Palaeoperidinium was not validly published until 1967. Williams et al. (1998, p.146) accepted Sarjeant's (1967b) indirect reference to Deflandre (1939b) as indication of a type (ICN Article 40.3). Jan du Chêne et al. (1986a, p.211) recommended that this name be restricted to the holotype. Age: Kimmeridgian.

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