Cyclonephelium granulatum

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cyclonephelium granulatum (Horowitz, 1975, p.25, pl.1, fig.4) Stover and Evitt, 1978, p.36. Holotype: Horowitz, 1975, pl.1, fig.4; Fensome et al., 2019a, fig.20G.
NOW Trichodinium?. Originally Doidyx, subsequently Cyclonephelium?, thirdly (and now) Trichodinium?.
Questionable assignment: Stover and Evitt (1978, p.36) as a problematic species. Conway and Cousminer (1983, p.35) questioned the age assigned to this species.
Age: Late Triassic (probably not in place).


Original description (Horowitz, 1975): translation PKB 2024
Holotype: slide P 431, Zohar 9 survey, depth 2014 m, Upper Triassic, South of Israel.

Description: Proximal Dinoflagellate cyst. Biconical cyst, asymmetrical, apical cone a little wider, apex sometimes open. Equatorial cingulum clear, tabulation barely visible. Delicate membrane, approximately 112 IL thick, slightly granular. Very small spines, l-2 IL long, covering the cyst in a few places, irregularly distributed.

Average dimensions: 15 X 67 ll, 20 specimens.

Discussion: This species differs from other species of the Doidyx genus by the small size of its spines, which give a grainy appearance.

Origin of the name: after the granular appearance of the cyst.
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