Cyclonephelium intonsum
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cyclonephelium intonsum Duxbury, 1983, p.33–34, pl.2, fig.7; pl.10, fig.12; text-figs.13–14.
Holotype: Duxbury, 1983, pl.2, fig.7; text-figs.13,14A; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.18, fig.9; Fensome et al., 2019a, fig.15R.
Age: late Aptian–early Albian.
Original diagnosis: Duxbury, 1983, p. 33-34
A species of Cyclonephelium whose outline is roughly circular. It has a low, distally rounded and closed apical horn and a left antapical prominence may be present. A dense, low ornament covers the ventral periphery and takes the form of irregular granules or short coni which may coalesce laterally to produce a crude microreticulum. Some interruption of ornament may be observed laterally in a position corresponding to the paracingulum. The archeopyle is apical with the operculum usually completely detached. Paratabulation is lacking, but parasutural splits around the archeopyle margin indicate the presence of six precingular paraplates. The parasulcus is offset to the left.
Observed Dimensions: Holotype 75x81 µm. Complete specimens 84(81)78x75(73)70 µm. Operculum detached 87(70)58x87(75)61 µm.
Duxbury, 1983, p. 34: This species differs from all others of the genus in the nature and distribution of the peripheral ornament.
Comment Fensome et al., 2019a:
The marginate distribution of the ornament is very distinct. Cyclonephelium maugaad has a similar ornament, but it consists of hair-like processes and process bundles.
Cyclonephelium intonsum Duxbury, 1983, p.33–34, pl.2, fig.7; pl.10, fig.12; text-figs.13–14.
Holotype: Duxbury, 1983, pl.2, fig.7; text-figs.13,14A; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.18, fig.9; Fensome et al., 2019a, fig.15R.
Age: late Aptian–early Albian.
Original diagnosis: Duxbury, 1983, p. 33-34
A species of Cyclonephelium whose outline is roughly circular. It has a low, distally rounded and closed apical horn and a left antapical prominence may be present. A dense, low ornament covers the ventral periphery and takes the form of irregular granules or short coni which may coalesce laterally to produce a crude microreticulum. Some interruption of ornament may be observed laterally in a position corresponding to the paracingulum. The archeopyle is apical with the operculum usually completely detached. Paratabulation is lacking, but parasutural splits around the archeopyle margin indicate the presence of six precingular paraplates. The parasulcus is offset to the left.
Observed Dimensions: Holotype 75x81 µm. Complete specimens 84(81)78x75(73)70 µm. Operculum detached 87(70)58x87(75)61 µm.
Duxbury, 1983, p. 34: This species differs from all others of the genus in the nature and distribution of the peripheral ornament.
Comment Fensome et al., 2019a:
The marginate distribution of the ornament is very distinct. Cyclonephelium maugaad has a similar ornament, but it consists of hair-like processes and process bundles.