Cyclonephelium maugaad
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cyclonephelium maugaad Below, 1981a, p.15, pl.11, figs.2,3a–b; pl.15, fig.20.
Holotype: Below, 1981a, pl.11, fig.2; Fensome et al., 1991, fig.1 — p.671; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.18, fig.10; Fensome et al., 2019a, fig.15S. NIA.
Age: Hauterivian–Aptian.
Original diagnosis: Below, 1981, p. 15
Proximate, nontabular cyst, central body round to oval in outline, dorso-ventrally flattened. Archeopyle apical, (A). Surface with crispae, with the exception of the central-dorsal and central-ventral areas. No indication of paracingulum, parasulcus or polar appendages.
Original description: Below, 1981, p. 15
The cyst is dorso-ventrally flattened and has unornamented centraldorsal and central-ventral areas; both are characteristic of the genus. The form of the appendages, which I term crispate (from Lat. crispus = ruffled), is a conspicuous characteristic which distinguishes the species from other species of the genus. The appendages are straight or curved, sinuous, irregularly beaded, some with lateral prongs. They are isolated or appear concentrated - especially in the marginal zone - where they are basally connected. One variant of the species has crispae only at the antapex. The autophragm between appendages is smooth.
An archeopyle with a "free" operculum is developed apically. The dentate archeopyle margin indicates six precingular paraplates. This is the only indication of a paratabulation.
Cyclonephelium maugaad Below, 1981a, p.15, pl.11, figs.2,3a–b; pl.15, fig.20.
Holotype: Below, 1981a, pl.11, fig.2; Fensome et al., 1991, fig.1 — p.671; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.18, fig.10; Fensome et al., 2019a, fig.15S. NIA.
Age: Hauterivian–Aptian.
Original diagnosis: Below, 1981, p. 15
Proximate, nontabular cyst, central body round to oval in outline, dorso-ventrally flattened. Archeopyle apical, (A). Surface with crispae, with the exception of the central-dorsal and central-ventral areas. No indication of paracingulum, parasulcus or polar appendages.
Original description: Below, 1981, p. 15
The cyst is dorso-ventrally flattened and has unornamented centraldorsal and central-ventral areas; both are characteristic of the genus. The form of the appendages, which I term crispate (from Lat. crispus = ruffled), is a conspicuous characteristic which distinguishes the species from other species of the genus. The appendages are straight or curved, sinuous, irregularly beaded, some with lateral prongs. They are isolated or appear concentrated - especially in the marginal zone - where they are basally connected. One variant of the species has crispae only at the antapex. The autophragm between appendages is smooth.
An archeopyle with a "free" operculum is developed apically. The dentate archeopyle margin indicates six precingular paraplates. This is the only indication of a paratabulation.