Cyclonephelium retiintextum
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cyclonephelium retiintextumCookson, 1965a, p.88, pl.11, fig.4.
Holotype: Cookson, 1965a, pl.11, fig.4; Eisenack and Kjellström, 1972, p.325; Fensome et al., 1996, fig.1 — p.2329.
NOW Glaphyrocysta. Originally Cyclonephelium, subsequently (and now) Glaphyrocysta.
Age: ?Senonian.
Original description: Cookson, 1965, p.88
Shell oval with a small, median, blunt apical projection; archeopyle apical. Ornament in the form of an open-meshed network formed by the distal anastomosis of simple or more commonly slender branched processes of variable widths (c. 0.5-5 µm) which arise well within the margin of the shell (c. 15-21 µm); sometimes the bases of adjacent processes are connected by straight or curved strands. The distal branches delimiting the meshes are occasionally somewhat flattened and slightly perforated. The unornamented central portions of both dorsal and ventral surfaces are relatively small (c. 42 µm wide in the holotype). The shell membrane is two-layered, thin (c. 1 µm) and finely granular.
Dimensions: Holotype overall length 177 µm, overall width 117 µm, shell 94x78 µm, appendages 20-30 µm long.
Cookson, 1965, p.88: Of the described species of Cyclonephelium the one to which C. retiintextum approaches at all closely is C. reticulosum Gerlach (1961) from an Upper Oligocene deposit in NW. Germany. In this species, it is evident from the description and figure that the processes forming the network are situated close to the margin of the shell and that, in consequence, the greater part of both dorsal and ventral surfaces are unornamented. This arrangement clearly contrasts with the more central position of the network and the consequent smaller size of the unornamented surfaces of C. retiintextum. In addition, the distal finely reticulate bands associated with the reticulum of C. reticulosum have not been observed in C. retiintextum.
Cyclonephelium retiintextumCookson, 1965a, p.88, pl.11, fig.4.
Holotype: Cookson, 1965a, pl.11, fig.4; Eisenack and Kjellström, 1972, p.325; Fensome et al., 1996, fig.1 — p.2329.
NOW Glaphyrocysta. Originally Cyclonephelium, subsequently (and now) Glaphyrocysta.
Age: ?Senonian.
Original description: Cookson, 1965, p.88
Shell oval with a small, median, blunt apical projection; archeopyle apical. Ornament in the form of an open-meshed network formed by the distal anastomosis of simple or more commonly slender branched processes of variable widths (c. 0.5-5 µm) which arise well within the margin of the shell (c. 15-21 µm); sometimes the bases of adjacent processes are connected by straight or curved strands. The distal branches delimiting the meshes are occasionally somewhat flattened and slightly perforated. The unornamented central portions of both dorsal and ventral surfaces are relatively small (c. 42 µm wide in the holotype). The shell membrane is two-layered, thin (c. 1 µm) and finely granular.
Dimensions: Holotype overall length 177 µm, overall width 117 µm, shell 94x78 µm, appendages 20-30 µm long.
Cookson, 1965, p.88: Of the described species of Cyclonephelium the one to which C. retiintextum approaches at all closely is C. reticulosum Gerlach (1961) from an Upper Oligocene deposit in NW. Germany. In this species, it is evident from the description and figure that the processes forming the network are situated close to the margin of the shell and that, in consequence, the greater part of both dorsal and ventral surfaces are unornamented. This arrangement clearly contrasts with the more central position of the network and the consequent smaller size of the unornamented surfaces of C. retiintextum. In addition, the distal finely reticulate bands associated with the reticulum of C. reticulosum have not been observed in C. retiintextum.