Evansia eschachensis

Evansia eschachensis Below, 1990

Contrary to the opinion of Lentin and Williams (1993, p.215), this name is validly published. Below (1987a, p.6) stated that, unless otherwise indicated, all the material is in his personal collection. Since Below (1987a, 1987b, 1990) are parts I to III of a single study, we agree with J. Jansonius (personal communication) that this statement refers to all three publications and thus that I.C.B.N. Article 37.5 does not apply to this name (see also the discussion on Article 40.7 in the Introduction).

Holotype: Below, 1990, pl.19, fig.2-5, 15 (SEM study)
Locus typicus: Eschach, Germany
Stratum typicum: Aalenian
Translation Below, 1990: LPP

Original description: Below 1990a, p.73-74
Vesicle/plate arrangement of dinoflagellate amphiesma cop, pop, cap, 3", 3a-4a, 6""(-7""), 7c, 6""", 2""" (sic, should be 2""""), as, FM, ls, rs, ps, 1" insert; with adelopore on suture 1"/3". Growth of thecal plates gonyaulcoidal.
Cyst proximate, acavate to cornucavate, slightly elongate polyhedrical with tentoriate epicyst and low apical horn and slightly longer, tentoriate hypocyst, dorsoventrally slightly flattened. Wall consisting of pedium and more densely or spongiously structured luxuria, which also builds up the finate, low, distally smooth or irregularly perforate ribs. Surface smooth, scabrate, apically and middorsally, however, granulate, also irregularly foveolate and perforate or especially intracingularly dissolved into an irrgular reticulum. Areate, septa of the adsulcal areae typically absent against the sulcus and between the anterior intercalaries. Areation scheme XPR/cop, pop, cap, NR1", 2", 3", 1a(arch), 2a(arch), 3a(arch), 4a(arch), 6"" (-7""), 7c, 6""", 2"""", NRas, FM, ls, rs, ps. PR undifferentiated or cop tiny, forming the tip of the apical protruberance and surrounded by pop in an annular fashion, cap small, located ventrally.
- 3 apicals: 1" nonfinate or just anteriorly bordering 2" and 3", with porichnion between 1" and 3", VII-VIII 2" (L), VIII 3" (R).
- 4 mutually nonfinate anterior intercalaries: caroidal 1a (LVL), inversly camerate 2a (DL), fastigiate 3a (D), caroidal 4a (R). Or, more comonly, 3 mutually nonfinate anterior intercalaries: with caroidal 1a (LDL), fastigiate 2a (D), caroidal 3a (R).
- 6 precingulars: anteriorly geniculate or bigeniculate V-VI-nE 1"" (VVL or VL), anteriorly geniculate V-nE 2"" (L to DL), anteriorly geniculate V-nE 3" (DDL) or anteriorly linear IV-nE 3"" (D), anteriorly geniculate V-nE 4"" (DDR to DR), anteriorly geniculate V-nE 5"" (RVR), anteriorly geniculate V-nE 6"" (VVR).
- Cingulum laevorotatory, spiral, heptapartite, consisting of lati 1c to 6c and, against the sulcus nonfinate, 7c.
- 6 postcingulars: posteriorly linear V-nE 1""" (VVL), posteriorly linear IV-nE 2""" (VL), posteriorly geniculate V-nE 3""" (LDL), posteriorly linear IV-nE 4""" (D), posteriorly linear IV-nE 5""" (RDR), posteriorly linear V-nE 6""" (VR).
- 2 antapicals: V 1"""" descending towards VL, VI 2"""" standing polar, inclining slightly towards R.
- Sulcal areae nonfinate against deepened FM: as nonfinate, small ls and rs, large omegaform VI ps.
- Archaeopyle anterior intercalary, 2a + 3a (+4a) in specimens with 4 anterior intercalaries, 2a (+3a) in specimens with only 3 anterior intercalaries. Operculum solvate, opercular plates secate, general opercular formula 2a(s) + 3a(s) (+4a(s)) or 2a(s) (+3a(s)).
Dimensions of holotype: length 42 Ám, breadth 33 Ám, thickness 33 Ám.

Below, 1990, p. 74
(annotated) In general habit, Evansia eschachensis is similar to the taxa of Carpathodinium and Paragonyaulacysta, but the 3 apical areae have a different arrangement. The steno 1" reaches from as to the apex and is bordered anteriorly by 2" and 3". In Carpathodinium and Paragonyaulacysta, 1" has no contact with PR and 2", but is anteriorly borderd by the ventrally expanding and twisting 3" (exsert). Furthermore, Paragonyaulacysta possesses only 2 anterior intercalaries, in E. eschachensis the number of this series varies between 3 and 4, so that in the latter case there is a similarity with Carpathodinium. In this case, the archaeopyles are similar as well. Taxa of Carpathodinium excyst through a 2a + 3a archaopyle, as well as E. eschachensis with 4 anterior intercalaries, which only rarely expands with another (4a) area. In specimens with 3 anterior intercalaries mostly just 2a is removed, rarely 3a as well.
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