Operculodinium janduchenei

Operculodinium janduchenei Head et al., 1989
NOW Atlanticodinium janduchenei

Holotype: Head et al. 1989, pl.4, figs.7-8
Locus typicus: ODP leg 105, Labrador Sea
Stratum typicum: Late Miocene-Early Pliocene

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Operculodinium janduchenei Head et al., 1989b. Diagnosis from Head et al. (1989b, p.459), cysts small, proximochorate, with subspherical or broadly ellipsoidal body having a granulate wall surface. Processes are short, conical and hollow, and may be distally closed or truncated and open. On the holotype, most are open. Distribution is apparently nontabular. Archeopyle precingular type P (presumably type P3"). Operculum free. There is no other indication of tabulation. Size: diameter of central body 27-38 µm.

Original diagnosis: Head et al. 1989, p. 459
Cyst small, proximochorate, with subspherical or broadly ellipsoidal body having a granulate wall surface. Processes are short conical and hollow, and may be distally closed or truncated and open. Distribution is apparently nontabular. Archeopyle precingular Type P (presumable Type P3''). Operculum free. There is no other indication of paratabulation. Dimensions: Range of diameter: 27-38 µm.

Original description: Head et al. 1989, p. 459
Wall surface varies from coarsly to faintly granulate, and some specimens may have short, solid, conical granules interspersed between processes, as described by Mudie (1987, p. 805). Processes are variable but most are open distally, although some specimens were observed with predominantly distally closed processes, and often specimens were found to posses a range of process morphologies. On the holotype, most processes are distally open, although some appear to be closed distally. Processes have a fairly regular distribution and appear to be nontabular. The archeopyle is presumably formed by loss of paraplate 3''.

Supplemental description: McMinn, 1992, p.435
Small, egg-shaped cyst composed of a 1- 2 µm thick, smooth endophragm. The periphragm is produced into numerous small, conical, hollow, nontabular processes. The processes are either closed or open, although this feature is usually uniform on any specimen. The archaeopyle is precingular, type 1P, and no other paratabulation is indicated.
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