Spiniferites ramosus ssp. ramosus

Spniferites ramosus ssp. ramosus

Taxonomic junior synonym: Homotryblium distinctum, according to Jain and Garg (1982, p.69) (see Spiniferites ramosus), which species is, by implication, a tax. jr. synonym of Spiniferites ramosus.
Harker and Sarjeant in Harker et al., 1990, retained the autonym as Spiniferites ramosus var. ramosus. Lentin and Williams, 1993, herein, we followed Lentin and Williams, 1989, and retained it as Spiniferites ramosus ssp. ramosus.

Holotype: not designated by Ehrenberg, 1838
Lectotype: Ehrenberg, 1838, pl.1, fig.5, designated by Davey and Williams, 1966
Stratum typicum: Feuerstein von Delitzsch, no. XXV, Germany
Locus typicus: Late Cretaceous

Emended diagnosis: Davey and Williams, 1966, p. 32: Hystrichosphaera ramosa
A species of Hystrichosphaera possessing a thin walled central body, smooth, reticulate or granular. Gonal +/- sutural processes always extending beyond confines of sutural crests, solid or hollow, the latter closed distally, Typical gonal processes trifurcate, sutural processes bifurcate, both commonly terminating distally in a small bifurcation.
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