Thalassiphora velata
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Thalassiphora velata (Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, p.291, pl.8, fig.8) Eisenack and Gocht, 1960, p.514–515.
Holotype: Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, pl.8, fig.8.
Originally Pterocystidiopsis (Appendix A), subsequently (and now) Thalassiphora, thirdly Disphaeria.
Brinkhuis and Biffi (1993, p.179) retained this species in Thalassiphora.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Pterospermopsis (as and now Thalassiphora) pelagica, according to Benedek and Gocht (1981, p.59) and Sarjeant (1981, p.117) — however, Brinkhuis and Biffi (1993, p.179) retained Thalassiphora velata.
Stratum typicum: Early Tertiary
Locus typicus: Hay-Denmark railway deviation at 345 miles, Western Australia
Original description: Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, p. 291: Pterocystidiopsis velata
Central shell ellipsoidal with a slightly thickened membrane, from which groups of radially arranged fibrils diverge towards the periphery of the relatively wide, delicate, finely reticulate membrane that envelops the shell.
Supplemental description: Cookson and Eisenack, 1961:
The shells of T. velata consist of a spherical to oval body and a thin and
relatively wide saucershaped wing-like membrane. The body has a rather firm, faintly granular wall and a distinct pylome is developed. The body is attached to the central region of the wing by numerous root-like strands from which fibrils separate out in a fan-shaped manner.
Remarks: Brinkhuis 1994, p. 160:
the present author concurs with the opinion of Brinkhuis and Biffi (1993), who rejected
the opinion of Benedek and Gocht (1981, p. 59) and Sarjeant (1981, p. 117) who considered
Thalassiphora velata to be a taxonomic junior synonym of Thalassiphora pelagica. Brinkhuis and
Biffi reached this conclusion in view of the distinct and consistent morphological differences they
observed between Thalassiphora pelagica (Eisenack 1954) Eisenack and Gocht 1960, which has a
completely developed periphragm and forms which display an incompletely developed periphragm
with a distinct ventral opening and supporting, thread-like processes. The latter forms can confi-
dently be attributed to Thalassiphora velata (Deflandre and Cookson 1955) Eisenack and
Gocht 1960, following the original description.
Thalassiphora velata (Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, p.291, pl.8, fig.8) Eisenack and Gocht, 1960, p.514–515.
Holotype: Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, pl.8, fig.8.
Originally Pterocystidiopsis (Appendix A), subsequently (and now) Thalassiphora, thirdly Disphaeria.
Brinkhuis and Biffi (1993, p.179) retained this species in Thalassiphora.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Pterospermopsis (as and now Thalassiphora) pelagica, according to Benedek and Gocht (1981, p.59) and Sarjeant (1981, p.117) — however, Brinkhuis and Biffi (1993, p.179) retained Thalassiphora velata.
Stratum typicum: Early Tertiary
Locus typicus: Hay-Denmark railway deviation at 345 miles, Western Australia
Original description: Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, p. 291: Pterocystidiopsis velata
Central shell ellipsoidal with a slightly thickened membrane, from which groups of radially arranged fibrils diverge towards the periphery of the relatively wide, delicate, finely reticulate membrane that envelops the shell.
Supplemental description: Cookson and Eisenack, 1961:
The shells of T. velata consist of a spherical to oval body and a thin and
relatively wide saucershaped wing-like membrane. The body has a rather firm, faintly granular wall and a distinct pylome is developed. The body is attached to the central region of the wing by numerous root-like strands from which fibrils separate out in a fan-shaped manner.
Remarks: Brinkhuis 1994, p. 160:
the present author concurs with the opinion of Brinkhuis and Biffi (1993), who rejected
the opinion of Benedek and Gocht (1981, p. 59) and Sarjeant (1981, p. 117) who considered
Thalassiphora velata to be a taxonomic junior synonym of Thalassiphora pelagica. Brinkhuis and
Biffi reached this conclusion in view of the distinct and consistent morphological differences they
observed between Thalassiphora pelagica (Eisenack 1954) Eisenack and Gocht 1960, which has a
completely developed periphragm and forms which display an incompletely developed periphragm
with a distinct ventral opening and supporting, thread-like processes. The latter forms can confi-
dently be attributed to Thalassiphora velata (Deflandre and Cookson 1955) Eisenack and
Gocht 1960, following the original description.