Hystrichosphaeropsis ovum

Data plotted here is from DINOSTRAT, available via Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7791273. Please cite Bijl, 2022 when using this data.




Plots are based on the following information

548 Hystrichosphaeropsis ovum Brown and Downie, 1985 0.75 in nan_n_NP12 FO 51.2169175 39.50542984111448
548 Hystrichosphaeropsis ovum Brown and Downie, 1985 0.75 in nan_n_NP12 LO 51.2169175 39.50542984111448
Scotian Margin Hystrichosphaeropsis ovum Williams et al., 1993 0.85 in stage_Albian FO 102.405 40.830689407499996
Scotian Margin Hystrichosphaeropsis ovum Williams et al., 1993 0.9 in stage_Campanian LO 73.318 38.17092518333333
M8, Hartuv B Hystrichosphaeropsis ovum Hoek et al., 1996 1 in nan_n_CC24 FO 70.14300000000001 14.454472901666666
east Kent Hystrichosphaeropsis ovum Prince et al., 2008 0.3 in amm_b_Scaphites hippocrepis III LO 81.362 43.80211628
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